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来源:鸿海泵业 发布时间:2013/8/14 15:33:59
Our implementation of the "visible" management, its core lies in between the various departments within the enterprise to find and solve problems and seize the best opportunity, the production department good, good casting blank casting, processing each program is the first guard our problem, which is to seize
The enterprise development opportunities, small, nearby said, which can ensure that the opportunity to profit loss, from the macro, the distance, this can make the firm business bigger and stronger. In fact, the enterprise is not needed to manage in the normal, only in the "problem", "abnormal" time
They need to manage. Simply put, Botou Honghai pump management is aimed at the "point", "abnormal" of management. As long as the timely detection of problems and positive attitude, at least in the two will bring benefits to the enterprise: first, because the employees or managers see
At that moment the problem occurred, "perhaps it will solve the" ideas may also initiation, which for Hon Hai pump quickly come up with countermeasures scheme possible; second, countermeasure of project, Hon Hai pump must be "targeted" to ensure its usefulness and effectiveness.
In other words, only in the face of a specific problem or situation, in order to show the necessity, the urgency of a strategy.
公司地址:河北省泊头市岔道口街 邮编:062150 电话:0317-8290769 8293851 8296494 8296495 
传真:0317-8300980 鸿海沥青泵、保温泵、高粘度泵 网址:http://www.btgearpump.com 
邮箱:honghaibengye@163.com hebeipump@163.com 
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